Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I)

Armagh Observatory & Planetarium (AOP) recognises the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion.  We operate in an increasingly diverse community, and we understand that the people who provide and use our services have diverse characteristics and different experiences, needs and aspirations.  AOP are currently drafting an ED&I Strategy which will be implemented throughout the organisation in 2025.

As a Northern Ireland public sector organisation, AOP is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity in respect of sex, religious belief, political opinion, race, disability, age, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, married or civil partnership and gender reassignment.

Section 75 and Schedule 9 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998 came into force on the 1 January 2000 and placed a statutory obligation on public authorities in carrying out their various functions relating to Northern Ireland, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity –

  • between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status, or sexual orientation;
  • between men and women generally (this includes transgender people);
  • between persons with a disability or long-term medical condition, and persons without; and
  • between persons with dependants and persons without.

We have Institute of Physics (IoP) Juno Practitioner status and hold Bronze Diversity Mark NI accreditation. Furthermore, AOP is now a signatory of the new IoP Physics Inclusion Award, which includes addressing gender equality in physics and extending it to other areas to ensure full inclusivity.

Further information on AOP as a Juno Practitioner can be viewed at Project Juno

Further information on AOP Diversity Mark actions and our latest Gender Breakdown details can be found at: Diversity Mark at AOP

Information on these initiatives can also be accessed at:

Diversity Mark – The mark of progressive company.

Physics Inclusion Award | Institute of Physics


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