Primary schools visiting AOP enjoy a two-hour visit led by one of our education team members. It consists of 1 hour in our Dome Theatre, one half an hour workshop and one half an hour exhibition tour. Please email for any education visit enquiries.
Dome Shows
In addition to our set dome shows we also engage in live, interactive material with primary schools lead by one of our education team. Are you ready to blast into space from Armagh Planetarium? What’s your favourite planet? Maybe we could visit it! Each session in our dome theatre finishes with our famous space roller coaster, a favourite element for many.
Perfect Little Planet
Perfect Little Planet – During this dome show we follow our family of friendly aliens on their quest to find a perfect planet in our own solar system on which to have an extended vacation. We will visit each planet, visit some moons and even our own sun. Which planet in our solar system would make for a relaxing holiday? The answer could be closer to home than you might think!
NI Curriulum Links: KS1 ‘Me’ in the World, KS2 Our Place in the Universe
The Accidental Astronauts
Accidental Astronauts – This dome show allows us to follow Annie, Cy and his pup Armstrong on an accidental adventure into our solar system with the help of a rebellious rocket! We journey to an asteroid, our moon and our sun – but will be make it back on time for the school bus home? Join us on this adventure to find out!
NI Curriculum Links: KS1 ‘Me’ In the World
This dome show narrated by Ewan McGregor explains the trials, tribulations and joys associated with becoming an astronaut. With our helpful test subject Chad on hand we are able to see the effects of space travel and training on human beings. Are you up for the task?
NI Curriculum Links: KS2 Our Place in the Universe
A firm favourite on a school trip to the Planetarium. Assemble your rocket from the rocket parts and blast it off into the sky! Whose rocket will fly the highest and find out why might that be?
NI Curriculum Links: KS1 Sources of energy in the world, KS2 The causes and effect of energy, forces and movement
Mars Landers
Design a Mars Lander to drop from a height to emulate the experiences of the NASA engineers trying to do the same thing! Can it safely land with no damage? Whose Lander will survive its descent?
NI Curriculum Links: KS2 The causes and effect of energy, forces and movement
Child: £6.25 per student
Teachers: Free (ratio of 1 teacher for every 6 students for ages 4 to 8, and 1 teacher for every 8 students for ages 9 to 10)
Interested in visiting us?
Simply fill out the small form below for more information.