We offer a customised planetarium dome show for the CCEA Science and Technology course for Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14).
This covers the Earth and Universe portion of the Science syllabus, with the following two modules:
- The Environment and Human Influences
- The Solar System and Universe
The Environment and Human Influences module uses the dome to project images showing the current state of the environment across planet Earth, such as temperatures, rain fall and fires. Land, oceans and atmosphere are included, as well as impacts of human activity on the globe. Gain a global perspective of our home planet. We use the Planetarium to present the full-dome show “We are Guardians” about what a healthy planet requires. Then we make use of science datasets provided for Science on a Sphere by NOAA to illustrate the global environment and human impacts to planet Earth.
The Solar System and Universe module uses our Digistar planetarium’s ability to take you on a tour of our our Solar System as well to see the Universe on the largest scales in the realm of the galaxies. Learn about the Earth, Moon and artificial satellites, as well as the planets, dwarf planets and comets. Gain a perspective about the cities of stars (galaxies) that dominate the universe on the largest scales.