At AOP we run a program of weekly seminars, except during the summer. Our Seminars are held in hybrid mode, with everyone on-site in Armagh very welcome to meet in the library for the seminar at 12pm on Thursdays.
Seminars 2024 Spring
Yet to be arranged
Seminars 2024 Autumn
3rd October – Brian Reville (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg) “Cracking the Cosmic-Ray Conundrum”
The origins of cosmic rays is one of the oldest (unsolved) problems in high-energy astrophysics. Observations in the gamma-ray regime are finally revealing the possible acceleration sites, and suggesting a new twist in the standard cosmic-ray origins paradigm. I will review the essential processes at play, and emphasise the role played by star formation in the acceleration of the most energetic particles.
10th October – Jorick Vink (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium) “How Heavy is the Most Massive Star in the Universe?”
Very massive stars (VMS) with masses over 100 times the mass of the Sun are dominant sources of ionising radiation, which may have been the key source of cosmic re-ionisation. The prime difference between VMS in our local Universe and those in the Early Universe is their metallicity (Z). In this talk, I will discuss how this is anticipated to change the stellar upper mass limit, massive star formation, wind mass loss, stellar evolution, as well as final black hole masses.
17th October – Stefano Bagnulo (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium) “Strong magnetic fields of old white dwarfs are symmetric about the stellar rotation axes”
Recent observations obtained at the ESO VLT have allowed us to set strong constraints on the origin and evolution of the magnetic fields of white dwarfs, and on the way the magnetic field may interact with the remnants of the planetary system orbiting around the star. After reviewing the work that has been done since the discovery of the first magnetic white dwarf, I will present the main results that we have obtained in the last three years, and that can be summarised as follows. (1) There are at least two different channels for the origin of the magnetic field, one for ultra-massive white dwarfs that are the product of the merging of two white dwarfs, and one for white dwarfs that are the product of single star evolution. (2) Magnetic fields can drive the accretion of material from the debris of a planetary system, and be responsible for the formation and persistence of metal patches at the magnetic poles of metal-polluted white dwarfs. (3) Strong magnetic fields of old white dwarfs are symmetric about the stellar rotation axes; this symmetry may be either a consequence of field evolution, or a physical characteristics intrinsic to the way strong fields are generated in stars after the beginning of the core-crystallisation. Number 3 is the most recent and most surprising result – hence the title of this seminar.
31st October – Gavin Ramsay (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium) “Searching for the optical counterpart of gravitational wave events using GOTO and BlackGem”
The discovery of gravitational waves in 2015 was the culmination of decades of developing and building ever more sensitive instruments. However, these observations cant pin-point exactly where in the sky these bursts come from. If astronomers can identify the electromagnetic counterpart of such events we can gain so much more information about the nature of the event. The GOTO and BlackGem optical surveys are two projects which aim to detect these counterparts. I will outline how we go about searching for transient events; show some example of our discoveries and highlight how the wider public can get involved via the kilonova seekers zoouniverse project.
7th November – Max Briel (University of Geneva) “A case for population synthesis using detailed binary models”
Binary population synthesis (BPS) has become an essential tool in astrophysics, especially in the context of gravitational wave and supernova studies. Binary interactions lead to unique astrophysical objects, such as double compact object, novae, blue stragglers, and Type Ia supernovae, while adding complexity to the already intricate single-star evolution. While rapid BPS codes dominate due to computational efficiency, detailed BPS models provide unique insights into rare events despite their higher computational costs.In this talk, I will highlight the benefits of the detailed binary stellar evolution models by showing its effect on the merging compact object and electromagnetic transient populations. We will dive deeper in the formation channels of binary black hole mergers and use the stellar structures to determine the observability of the pair-instability supernova population. Finally, I will show a unique long gamma-ray burst formation channel only visible with grids of detailed binary evolution models.
14th November – Souradeep Bhattacharya (University of Hertfordshire) “Probing chemical enrichment in and of galaxies using oxygen and argon abundances of emission nebulae”
The periodic table of elements has been populated through various nucleosynthesis mechanisms that occur in galaxies over the course of their evolution. Such galactic chemical enrichment mechanisms have primarily been constrained by alpha-enrichment ([α/Fe]) and metallicity ([Fe/H]) measurements from deep absorption-line spectra of individual stars in the Milky Way (MW) and some local group dwarf galaxies. At larger distances out to high-redshifts (z~2), such measurements are possible from integrated light from galaxies, mainly massive early-types. For emission-line nebulae – Planetary Nebulae (PNe), individual HII regions, and integrated light from star-forming galaxies (SFGs) – we found that the oxygen-to-argon abundance ratio, log(O/Ar), vs Ar abundance, 12+log(Ar/H), is analogous to [α/Fe] vs [Fe/H] for stars. Through PNe abundances, we infer the chemical enrichment history (driven primarily by the interplay of core-collapse and Type Ia supernovae) of the disc of the great Andromeda galaxy (M31). Moving to higher redshifts (z<0.3) with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) observations of ~800 SFGs, we observationally show for the first time how prevalent chemical enrichment mechanisms vary with galaxy mass. With a smaller sample of 11 SFGs at even higher redshifts (z~1.3-7.7) with NIRSPEC on-board the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and MOSFIRE at Keck, we show that MW-like chemical enrichment processes occur at least out to z~4, beyond which rapid but intermittent star-formation and/or additional non-standard chemical enrichment sources may be at play. This new O & Ar abundance based diagnostic window for emission nebulae thus enables us to reveal the unique fingerprints of galaxy chemical enrichment from the Local Group all the way out to cosmic dawn.
21st November – Sonia Fornasier (Université Paris Cité LESIA-Observatoire of Paris) “The eyes on a comet: Rosetta-OSIRIS highlights on 67P/CG comet”
The Rosetta space mission of the European Space Agency Rosetta has observed comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for about 2 years, delivering the lander Philae on the comet surface for the first time in the history of the space exploration. Ended in September 2016, the Rosetta/Philae mission, acquired an incredible amount of unique data of comet 67P, allowing the most detailed study ever attempted of a comet. Rosetta had a large complement of scientific experiments including the OSIRIS imaging system which consists of a Wide Angle Camera (WAC) and a Narrow Angle Camera (NAC). More than 80000 images were acquired with the OSIRIS imaging system with spatial resolution ranging from several meters to a few centimeters per pixel during Rosetta’s descent to the comet in late September 2016. In particular, the high dynamics of the cameras detectors permitted to distinguish morphological structures on shadowed areas as well as frost layers, and to monitor at the same time the very dark surface, faint jets (with lifetimes shorter than a few minutes), and ices exposures. An extensive catalogue of volatiles exposure was recently created permitting to investigate the link between composition, morphology and activity. It also indicates that ices exposures are typically sub-meter sized, information which is relevant for cometary models. Detailed analysis of highly active regions revealed that the small lobe has different physical and mechanical properties than the big one and a lower volatile content, at least in its uppermost layers. These findings support the hypothesis that comet 67P originated from the merging of two distinct bodies in the early Solar System, as previously suggested by the geomorphological analyses of the comet terrains. The main results obtained by OSIRIS-Rosetta will be presented in this talk.
28th November (2 pm) – Conor Nixon (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA) “From Seeing There to Going There: Exploring our Solar System with Telescopes and Space Probes”
Until the arrival of the Space Age in the 1950s, our knowledge of our solar system and indeed the wider universe was restricted to what we could learn from observations with telescopes: a rewarding, but also passive undertaking. That paradigm shifted dramatically in the mid-twentieth century with the development of rockets able to send humans and robotic explorers to other worlds. The ability to land and collect rocks from the lunar surface; to rove across, sample the air, and drill into the rocks of Mars, and to send probes deep into the atmospheres of Jupiter, Venus and Titan forever changed the nature of how we collect data and learn about our solar neighborhood, changing our role from observers to explorers. Today, both astronomy and planetary spacecraft play a vital and synergistic role in advancing solar system science (and in future times may do the same for exoplanet science). While space probes can collect data unobtainable by other means, they are also costly and have long development times, and we unable to send missions to every niche of the solar system. On the other hand, scientists have access to a vast array of cutting-edge astronomical facilities that can be used to collect data from even the most distant reaches of the solar system, providing more rapid answers to questions and the ability to quickly respond to time-variable phenomena such as new bright comets. In this talk I will discuss the valuable and often-overlooked synergy that exists between planetary astronomy, using today’s cutting edge facilities such as JWST and ALMA, and the space probes being sent by NASA, ESA and others to collect in situ data from across the solar system. I will also mention some key developments already underway to construct the next generation of space missions, and also future large telescopes on the ground and in space.
5th December – Toby Rodel (Queen’s University Belfast) “Things that go in front of bigger things: learning about stars and planets through eclipses”
Wide field photometric surveys are a cornerstone of modern astronomy, especially in the search for transiting exoplanets and eclipsing binary stars. This talk will cover my work in discovering and characterising eclipsing companions found from the NGTS and TESS surveys, all the way from planets to stellar binaries. I’ll also cover my work in characterising the efficiency of such surveys at detecting such companions.
Seminars Jan 2024 - Jul 2024
18th January – Heloise Stevance (University of Oxford) Just because you can does not mean you should
Machine learning and “A.I” methods have become increasingly popular across the field of astronomy, but the promise of smarter and better solutions is not always delivered. Areas like (early) transient classification have seen many promising proof of concepts published in the last 10 years, yet no good solution is in sight. In this talk I will present what challenges we are facing, what mistakes we have been making and a route to addressing our current needs for rapid decision making as the rate of transient discovery is ever increasing. In the second half of the talk I will raise 4 major reasons why many models do not go beyond the proof-of-concept. Note: the talk will not be ML technical, no prior ML knowledge is required.
25th January – Erin Higgins (AOP) Nucleosynthesis, winds and chemical yields of very massive stars (IAU G2 commission seminar)
The most massive stars provide an essential source of recycled material for young clusters and galaxies. While very massive stars (VMS, M>100 Msol) are relatively rare compared to O stars, they lose disproportionately large amounts of mass already from the onset of core Hydrogen burning. In this talk, I will discuss the impact of stellar wind yields from VMS with optically thick winds, calculated for a wide range of masses (50-500 Msol) at solar metallicity, using the MESA stellar evolution code and a large nuclear network. Interestingly, we find that even when weighted by an IMF, their wind contribution is still an order of magnitude higher than canonical O stars, illustrating the presiding role that VMS have in replenishing their environments with reprocessed material.
1st February – Donna Rodgers-Lee (DIAS) The high-energy environment of Sun-like and red dwarf stars
Detecting the signature of life elsewhere in the Universe is a key goal of modern astronomy. To narrow down the search, we need to understand which exoplanets are likely to host life based on what we know of the conditions that led to life on Earth. In this sense, cosmic rays are thought to be important. Stellar and Galactic cosmic rays can drive the formation of prebiotic molecules, the building blocks of life, in the atmospheres of exoplanets. The flux of stellar and Galactic cosmic rays reaching exoplanets depends on the stellar wind environment of the host star.
I will present our results on the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes for a number of nearby red dwarf and Sun-like stars. I will discuss how studying the high-energy environment of warm Neptunes, gas giant planets that are not typically thought to be habitable, can help inform us in the future about the conditions present on rocky planets orbiting in the habitable zone of their stars. I will also present our recent results studying the high-energy environment of the red dwarf system, GJ 436. Finally, I will discuss briefly how observations with JWST, and upcoming missions such as Ariel, may probe the high-energy environment of gas giants.8th February – Michael Tremmel (University College Cork) Shedding Light on Hidden Massive Black Holes using Cosmological Simulations
Massive black holes (MBHs) ranging from 10 thousand to 10 billion solar masses exist at the centers of nearly every massive galaxy, as well as many low mass dwarf galaxies. The origin and evolution of these black holes and their role in galaxy evolution remain important outstanding questions in astrophysics. Cosmological simulations have long been useful tools for understanding many aspects of galaxy formation, but modeling MBHs is an ongoing challenge. I will discuss how recent improvements to modeling MBHs implemented in the Romulus Simulations have allowed for new insight into two very interesting populations: MBHs within low mass galaxies and “wandering” MBHs that exist far from the centers of galaxies. These notoriously elusive MBHs are likely the keys to understanding their origin and simulations like Romulus are necessary to interpret current and future electromagnetic and gravitational wave detections. I will present results from Romulus on the dynamical evolution of MBHs in galaxy mergers and the resulting population of off-center, “wandering” MBHs. I will also show new predictions for the abundance and properties of MBHs in dwarf galaxies and how they may influence the evolution of their low mass hosts. Finally, I will touch on current work simulating MBHs in merging dwarf galaxies at very high resolution with the goal of understanding the sources for gravitational waves detectable with LISA.
29th February – Michael Simms (National Museums NI) To Here From Eternity: The incredible story of the Bovedy meteorite
The Bovedy meteorite fell near Garvagh in 1969. A rather unremarkable rock, described in meteorite literature as an Ordinary Chondrite, the Bovedy meteorite (and its little brother from Sprucefield) records beneath its blackened exterior a truly remarkable story extending back to the very beginning of the Solar System. This talk will look at what Bovedy, and its fellow L Chondrites (including the Crumlin meteorite), can tell us about the highly dynamic history of the Solar System.
14th March – Simon Jeffery (AOP) Highlights from the SALT survey of hydrogen-deficient hot subdwarfs.
Hot subdwarfs are variously associated with the extreme horizontal branch and helium main-sequence, as well as other low-mass stars evolving to become white dwarfs. About 10% have partially or extremely helium-rich surfaces, with highly heterogeneous properties.
Using the Southern African Large Telescope, a spectroscopic survey was begun to search for and analyse new members of various subclasses.
With over 600 stars observed to date, we have discovered extreme helium stars, heavy-metal subdwarfs, super-hot pre-white dwarfs, planetary nebulae, a compact binary, and magnetic subdwarfs.
We have combined data from SALT, GAIA and TESS to characterise over 460 non-classical hot subdwarfs with high precision, obtaining effective temperatures, radii, luminosities and masses.
Our sample allows us to identify several of the major evolution channels that contribute to the overall hot subdwarf population. This talk will highlight some of our discoveries and present a preliminary view of the new HR diagram for evolved hot subdwarfs.
21st March – James Urquhart (University of Kent) The OGHReS Survey
The evolution of galaxies is controlled by the star formation within them. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the role played by the environment (e.g. density, metallicity, location) in the formation of molecular clouds and their connection with the star formation that ultimately drives the evolution of their host galaxies. New single-dish surveys of the Milky Way are providing, for the first time, a high spatial resolution view of the structure and properties of molecular gas across the inner and outer Galaxy. These are extremely complementary to ALMA and NOMEA studies of the molecular ISM in local dwarfs and nearby spiral galaxies. In this talk I will provide an overview of the Outer Galaxy High-Resolution Survey (OGHReS), which is a large CO survery of a significant fraction of the outer Galaxy. This survey will broaden our understanding of how environmental conditions shape the formation and evolution of molecular clouds and influence star formation in the Milky Way and will be crucial in underpinning the wealth of results emanating from recent nearby-galaxy studies.
27th March (Wednesday) – Kerem Çubuk (AOP) The distribution of molecular clouds along the Southern Galactic Plane
This talk presents the data of the Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey and various analyses undertaken using the survey data. The survey covers a large region of the sky from l = 250◦ to 355◦ and |b| < 1◦, with some extensions an area of 221 deg2 in total. These data have been taken at 0.6 arcminute spatial resolution and 0.1 km s−1spectral resolution, providing an unprecedented view of the molecular gas clouds of the Southern Galactic Plane in the 109-115 GHz J = 1-0 transitions of 12CO, 13CO, C18O and C17O.
The total measured 12CO and 13CO fluxes for the entire survey are found to be 1.5 ×108 K km s−1and 1.8 × 107 K km s−1, respectively. The total molecular cloud mass value is then calculated using a canonical X-factor value. The total mass limits were determined assuming all the flux originates from the near and far distance solutions to the Galactic rotation curve. According to these analyses, the lowest and the highest mass limits of the molecular clouds were found to be 2.8×108 M⊙ and 1.5×109 M⊙, respectively.
A new molecular cloud catalogue consisting of 1207 sources has been produced us- ing a dendrogram-based algorithm. Various properties of each cloud have been derived using a combination of a Galactic rotation curve and a parallax-based distance estimator to obtain distances for each cloud. The total mass derived for the individual clouds iden- tified is 3.8×108 M⊙. The catalogue clouds were then placed on top of the widely used Milky Way images to show the veracity of the images. The molecular cloud distribution coincides well with the spiral arm locations.
The total mass in the Galaxy has been estimated to be ∼1×109 M⊙ assuming a sym- metrical molecular mass distribution between Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Further analyses have been undertaken using the cloud catalogue’s data. The mass- radius relationship for the clouds is found to be M ∝ R2.19±0.02. Additionally, a least- squares fit to the cloud mass function resulted in an index of α = −1.24 ± 0.16 under the assumption of a power-law slope in the form of ∆N/∆M ∝ Mα. These results are consistent with previous studies for the Northern Galactic plane.
11th April – Oliver Dunnett (Queen’s University Belfast) Geographies of outer space: from the speculative to the sublime
This talk will cover a selection of topics centred around a research agenda of geographies of outer space. Geographies of outer space will be defined in the initial part of the talk, to be followed by three case studies: Firstly, the science-fictional encounters with outer space in the works of writers H G Wells and Olaf Stapledon, drawing on the concept of literary geographies. Second, the British Interplanetary Society’s plan for interstellar exploration in the 1970s: Project Daedalus. Finally, the campaign against light pollution in Britain and Ireland, including recent plans to establish a Dark Skies advocacy group in Belfast.
18th April – Georgios Dimitriadis (Trinity College Dublin) The increasing diversity in the thermonuclear supernovae population
The majority of thermonuclear explosions in the Universe seem to proceed in a rather standardised way, as explosions of carbon-oxygen (C/O) white dwarfs in binary systems, leading to the, cosmologically useful, “normal” Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). However, our understanding of the SN physics has altered over the past few decades with the introduction of wide field, high-cadence, all-sky surveys. These surveys have not only increased the populations of established SN (sub)classes, allowing for large-scale statistical studies, they have also unearthed several new subclasses of events that deviate from “normal” SNe Ia in their observational properties, and which require different and not seldom more extreme progenitor systems. These relatively rare events provide both a problem – potentially biasing cosmological measurements if not identified in a distance-independent way – and an opportunity – the potential to understand extreme WD SNe that can inform how the “normal” SN Ia population explodes. In this talk, I will present recent developments in the study of peculiar SNe Ia, both from the theoretical and observational point of view, with a focus on results from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), the current state-of-the-art “discovery transient machine”. I will show the most detailed map of the SNe Ia diversity to date and discuss further research approaches into understanding how a WD explodes.
25th April – Alex Cameron (University of Oxford) Stellar populations in early galaxies: insights from JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy
Understanding the properties of early stellar populations is one of the primary goals of the JWST mission. Already, NIRSpec spectroscopy of galaxies at high redshift has revealed many surprising properties of galaxies in the early Universe. In this talk, I will present results from two such studies. I will present observations of a galaxy which appears to show an extremely strong contribution from nebular continuum emission, including an unprecedented detected of two-photon continuum emission. This can arise in a system with a prodigiously high ionising photon production efficiency. Based on photoionisation modelling, I will show that one explanation for this system is ionisation powered by very hot stars (T_eff > 10^5 K), which could be indicative of variations in the stellar initial mass function. I will also present observations of nitrogen abundances in the early Universe. The report of enhanced nitrogen abundances in GN-z11 and several other extreme systems has challenged classical chemical evolution models. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed, with many invoking substantial rapid enrichment from massive star winds. Understanding how common this N-enhanced phase is among the high-redshift population will provide insights into the properties of early stellar populations.
9th May 2pm – Sargam Mulay (University of Glasgow) Spectroscopic observations and radiative hydrodynamic modelling of solar flares
Solar flares are energetic and explosive events which produce radiative signatures at all layers of the solar atmosphere. The energy deposition occurs at the lower layers, chromosphere and temperature minimum region (TMR). The plasma properties at these layers during flares could be studied using imaging and spectroscopic observations of cool lines. The seminar is focused on the systematic investigation of cool ultraviolet (UV) emission from molecular hydrogen (H2) observed at the TMR (Mulay et al. 2021 and 2023) and their relationship with other chromospheric lines such as C I and O I. We studied three X-ray flares of C5.1, C9.7 and X1.0 classes observed on Oct. 25, 2014 using the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Significant emission from five H2 spectral lines appeared in the flare ribbons, interpreted as photo-excitation (fluorescence) due to the absorption of UV radiation from two Si IV spectral lines. The H2 profiles were broad and consisted of two non-stationary components in red and in the blue wings of the line in addition to the stationary component. The red (blue) wing components showed small red-shifts (blue-shifts) of 5–15 km/s ( 5–10 km/s). The nonthermal velocities were found to be 10–25 km/s. The interrelation between intensities of H2 lines and their branching ratios confirmed that H2 emission formed under optically thin plasma conditions. There is a strong spatial and temporal correlation between Si IV and H2 emission, but the H2 emission is more extended and diffuse, further suggesting H2 fluorescence, and – by analogy with flare “back-warming”- providing a means to estimate the depth from which the H2 emission originates. We find that this is 1871±157 km and 1207±112 km below the source of the Si IV emission, in two different ribbon locations. Further, we compared these plasma parameters of H2 emission with the plasma parameters obtained for the cool chromospheric lines of C I and O I. This work motivated us to investigate H2 emission in other solar events, such as flarerelated solar jets, and study the turbulent nature of TMR. Solar jets are small-scale energetic transient events that exhibit a collimated flow of plasma which moves outwards from the solar surface. The study is focused on understanding the nature of H2 emission at the footpoint/spire region of the jet and the role of transition region emission from Si IV lines in generating H2. Such a study for solar jet observations is new and has not been carried out previously. We believe that it will provide useful constraints on models of the chromosphere and TMR during flare-related jet events.
16th May – Johanna Vos (Trinity College Dublin) Exometeorology: Weather on Worlds Beyond our Own
Major technological advances have enabled the discovery of a small number of directly imaged exoplanets. These imaged worlds can be studied in far greater detail than exoplanets detected by indirect methods such as transit and radial velocity techniques. Next-generation telescopes such as the recently launched James Webb Space Telescope and the upcoming 30-m telescopes (e.g. ELT, TMT, GMT) will enable direct exoplanet characterization. Based on the handful of exoplanets studied to date, it is clear that interpretation of future observational data hinges on a thorough understanding of their atmospheric processes. In this talk I will discuss our current and future efforts to investigate the atmospheres of imaged extrasolar worlds. In particular, I will discuss how a combination of observational and computational techniques will reveal three critical atmospheric processes: clouds, winds and aurorae. Each of these processes are well-studied in our own Solar System and we can now begin to study them on worlds beyond our own.
23rd May – Mairi O’Brien (Warwick University) White Dwarfs
30th May – Steph Merritt (Queen’s University Belfast) Sorcha: A Solar System Survey Simulator for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time
Over its nominal 10 year lifespan, the upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory is expected to revolutionise Solar System science, discovering over 5 million main belt asteroids, 300,000 Jupiter Trojans, 100,000 near-Earth objects, and over 40,000 trans-Neptunian objects. This explosion of new detections will provide an unprecedented opportunity for population studies of small bodies within our Solar System. However, like all astronomical surveys, these discoveries will be affected by complex observational biases, obscuring the true properties of the underlying populations. We have thus developed Sorcha, an open-source survey simulator designed to replicate the observational biases of the LSST. Sorcha is the first survey simulator capable of modelling all Solar System small-body populations, demonstrating the power and necessity of this survey simulator for accurate characterisation of our Solar System. The code has been used by the Rubin Solar System Data Products team to generate Data Preview 0.3, a simulated dataset of 15.7 million small Solar System objects. Upcoming science papers by the Sorcha team include using Sorcha to predict Centaur populations and to explore the potential detectability of the theorised Planet Nine and other potential very distant objects with the LSST.
Wednesday 5th June – Bonnie Steves (University of Glasgow) Developing Researchers through Summer Schools in Astronomy
Find out how Summer schools in astronomy have developed over the last 40 years, their impact on researchers and the research community and how you too can join as a participant or help organise a summer school of your own.
27th June – Kate Maguire (Trinity College Dublin) Exploding stars and catastrophic collisions
Supernovae and stellar collisions are the sometimes incredibly luminous, and sometimes not so luminous, deaths of stars that play a vital role in chemical enrichment, galaxy feedback mechanisms, and our understanding of stellar evolution. Type Ia supernovae, the explosions of white dwarfs in binary systems, are vital for constraining the cosmological parameters. In this talk, I will focus on the latest results on the progenitors and explosion mechanisms of Type Ia supernovae from the state-of-the-art transient survey, the Zwicky Transient Facility, and describe how their diversity may impact future precision measurements of dark energy. I will also highlight recent advances in the related area of stellar collisions, which are testing the boundaries of current theoretical models, as well as discuss the link to kilonovae from neutron-star mergers (with and without associated gravitational-wave detections).
4th July – Leonie Hannan (Queen’s University Belfast) A Culture of Curiosity: doing science at home in the eighteenth century
Dr Leonie Hannan (Queen’s University Belfast) is a social and cultural historian focused on Britain and Ireland in the period c.1660-1830. This paper will discuss her recently published, open-access monograph A Culture of Curiosity: Science in the Eighteenth-Century Home (Manchester, 2023). This project reveals the home as a space of emergence for scientific practice and knowledge-making in this era of ‘Enlightenment’. Leonie’s work aims to de-stabilise entrenched hierarchies concerning knowledge, in terms of where and how it was made and by whom.
11th July – Daniel Storey (Queen’s University Belfast) The need for diverse compatible solutes in microbial systems – implications for astrobiology.
In the context of astrobiology, compatible solutes are essential because they enhance the survivability of microorganisms under conditions that are often found on other planets and moons, which can be far more extreme than those on Earth. This ability to survive harsh conditions makes organisms that produce compatible solutes prime candidates for life forms that could exist beyond Earth. Their presence and mechanisms of protection, offer valuable models for understanding how life might adapt and thrive in the extreme environments of other celestial bodies, thereby broadening our search parameters for extraterrestrial life. Preliminary data will explore the critical role of compatible solutes in supporting potential extremophilic microbial life under the harsh conditions of Mars and compare this with some well characterised exoplanets. A second focus of this talk will discuss how, through a diverse range of programs, interactive exhibits, and educational initiatives, the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium can make the science of astrobiology accessible and intriguing to people of all ages. These outreach efforts aim to spark curiosity about the universe, foster a deeper understanding of the scientific challenges and possibilities of finding life beyond Earth, and encourage greater engagement with the AOP.
25th July – Courtney Crawford (University of Sydney) The Hydrogen-deficient Carbon Stars: new updates on dust properties and the progenitor population
The Hydrogen-deficient Carbon (HdC) stars are a class of low-mass variable stars with supergiant luminosities and peculiar abundances. They are theorized to be formed via the merger of a CO-WD and a He-WD. Though they have been known for over 200 years, study of these rare stars has recently been reinvigorated due to the discovery of over 100 new HdCs. While many open questions remain regarding their behavior, in this talk I will discuss recent advancements in two major topics: their dust properties and the progenitor merger population. In the former, we collected a vast amount of photometric data for all known HdC stars and performed a statistical analysis of all observed dust declines, especially focusing on decline frequency. In the latter, we explore the effects of different mass ratios and total masses (of the progenitor binary) on an HdC star’s luminosity, temperature, and oxygen isotopic ratios.
Seminars Oct 2023 - Dec 2023
12th October – Jeremy Rigney (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) The Sun and the (Low Mass) Stars: Searching for Radio Flares and CMEs from M Dwarfs
M dwarfs are low mass stars less than half the mass of the Sun which make up over 70% of the stellar population. Many of these M dwarfs are highly convective rapid rotators, driving high levels of activity in the form of flares thousands of times larger than those observed on the Sun. Observing M dwarfs across the electromagnetic spectrum can provide a better understanding of their similarities and differences from the Sun, and how high levels of stellar activity may be impacting orbiting exoplanets. In particular, low frequency radio emission observations may provide evidence for stellar coronal mass ejections, which would be catastrophic for the habitability of exoplanets.
This talk will focus on the solar-stellar connection, trying to understand radio emission from M dwarfs when compared to the Sun, and the relation between radio emission and bright optical flaring on low mass stars.
26th October – Pavel Kroupa (University of Bonn) The first star clusters and SMBH formation therein
The most massive galaxies started to form earliest and on the shortest time. At their centres the formation began with the first ultra-massive star clusters, weighing 10^7-10^10 Msun, depending on the mass of the post-Big-Bang gas cloud that later (on the downsizing time-scale) evolves to the early-type galaxy or bulge. I will discuss the physical and dynamical processes in these clusters, which, due to the low metallicity, form with top-heavy IMFs, and how the formation of the surrounding spheroidal galaxy dictates their evolution. For spheroid masses larger than a few 10^9 Msun, the central cluster implodes to a SMBH seed which can continue to grow as long as the spheroid keeps forming on the downsizing time-scale. The result of these events is the present-day observed strong correlation between the SMBH mass and its hosting spheroid. This theory also explains the existence of quasars at redshifts larger than 9.
2nd November – Gautham Sabhahit (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium) Massive stars near the Eddington limit
Radiation pressure plays an important role in the physics of massive stars, from supporting the star against collapse to launching strong radial outflows. As massive stars evolve, the increasing luminosity and decreasing mass brings them closer to the so-called Eddington limit where the radiative forces balance gravity. I will discuss the consequences of approaching (and sometimes surpassing) the Eddington limit on the internal structure and mass-loss properties of massive stars. I will briefly present a new mass-loss framework suitable for massive stars in close proximity to their Eddington limit and discuss the consequences of adopting optically-thick wind physics on the evolution of massive stars.
9th November – Luke Majury (Queen’s University Belfast) Spectral Irradiance Variability in Lyman-Alpha Emission During Solar Flares
The ultraviolet Lyman-alpha line of neutral hydrogen is the strongest emission line in the quiescent solar spectrum and can radiate a significant proportion of flare energy. The study of this line is vital for understanding flare energy balance and provides valuable diagnostics of plasma properties in the flaring chromosphere. Despite this, there has been a dearth of spectroscopic Lyman-alpha observations during solar flares. The SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment’s SOLar STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SORCE/SOLSTICE) provided flux and wavelength calibrated spectral irradiance measurements of the Lyman-alpha line between 2003 and 2020. The instrument scanned between 120.3nm and 122.7nm on approximately one-minute timescales for roughly one hour per day. Many of these scans coincided with the impulsive phase of major solar flares, several of which were also simultaneously observed by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). This study focuses on two of these flares. We aim to compare the spectral response of the Lyman-alpha line (e.g. core to wing ratio) with the properties of non-thermal electrons determined from the analysis of HXR observations, taking care to disentangle the rastering nature of the observations from genuine beam heating. This may provide insight into how and where different features in the Lyman-alpha line are formed in the lower solar atmosphere under various heating conditions. Such comparisons are important for guiding and interpreting radiative hydrodynamic flare simulations such as RADYN. The spectral response of this fundamental line can also be compared to recently published broadband Lyman-alpha flare observations, and serve as a baseline study for the advent of Lyman-alpha flare observations anticipated from new instruments coming online in Solar Cycle 25.
16th November – Morgan Fraser (University College Dublin) Weirdness in the gap
There are now in operation multiple sensitive, wide field survey telescopes that scan a large fraction of the sky every night. Thanks to these, we are able to find not just bright supernovae in nearby galaxies, but also a range of fainter, rarer or perhaps unexpected transients. These include transients resulting from the mergers of massive stars, outbursts and eruptions from extragalactic analogs of Eta Car, and more. In this talk I will review some of the most interesting classes of transients that we are now finding in the so-called “luminosity gap”, discuss their implications for theories of stellar evolution, and look forward to what we might expect in the near future with the Vera C Rubin observatory.
23rd November – Lewis Prole (Maynooth University) Simulating Population III star formation
The first stars, known as Population III, were initially believed to be massive (>100Msun) and form in isolation. Recent advancements in simulation resolution have drastically changed this model in favour of the formation of groups of smaller stars forming within each minihalo, the mass function of which is highly unknown, yet inevitably impacts reionisation and metal enrichment in the ISM. This talk explores the environments that Population III stars form in as well as the effects of resolution, magnetic fields and stellar feedback when simulating their formation.
30th November – Fionntan Callan (Queen’s University Belfast) Modelling the Thermonuclear Explosions of White Dwarfs
Type Ia supernovae play a number of key roles in astrophysics: contributing substantially to cosmic nucleosynthesis, injecting kinetic energy in galaxy evolution and acting as cosmological distance indicators. While there is consensus that type Ia supernovae originate from the thermonuclear explosions of white dwarfs the explosion mechanism(s) that produce them are still not understood. In this talk I will discuss our efforts to develop explosion models for type Ia supernovae. In particular, I will present our work simulating pure deflagration and double detonation explosions and discuss the improved non-LTE physics recently implemented into our radiative transfer code in the context of these models.
7th December – John Brennan (Maynooth University) Accelerating Astrophysics Simulations with Neural Networks
In large-scale astrophysics simulations, accurately modeling Pop3 star formation presents a significant computational challenge. Traditional methods make use of sub-grid physics models, which rely on high resolution simulations and thus are computationally expensive. In this talk, we present an improvement to a novel approach for accelerating Pop3 star formation modelling using neural networks which can be easily generalized to include sub-grid models of other physical phenomena.
Our proposed method makes use of a convolutional neural network which, when trained on a dataset generated from high-resolution simulations, learns to effectively interpolate and upscale low resolution data to high resolution data. This method is based on advancements, made in the field of computer graphics and digital imaging, towards enhanced image scaling algorithms and potentially offers a method to accelerate a wide range of numerical codes.
In this talk, we will discuss the key components of our methodology, including network architecture design and training strategies and showcase the advantages of our approach.
14th December – Filippo Maccagni (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) Multi-phase gas flows in and out of nearby galaxies
The star formation (SF) history of a galaxy is regulated by the availability of its cold gas, which in turn is driven by the balance between material accreting from intergalactic space and gas expelled from the galactic disk. Atomic neutral hydrogen (HI) is an excellent tracer of this process and it can be now explored in depth thanks to the exquisite combined sensitivity and resolution of the MeerKAT telescope. MeerKAT observations also enable us to study the impact of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) from the innermost parsecs to the virial radius, allowing us to identify how AGN change the physical conditions of the ISM, over which timescales, and how the activity is sustained throughout the lifetime of a galaxy.
I will show a number of recent and ongoing projects from two MeerKAT Large Survey Programs – The MeerKAT Fornax Survey and MHONGOOSE. Ultra-deep HI observations enable us to probe the cold gas in and around these galaxies to down to very low-column densities N(HI) ~ 5×10^17 cm^-2 and masses M(HI)~10^6 Msun. Integrating this information with observations of the molecular and ionised gas (e.g. ALMA, MUSE), we obtained a complete picture of the multi-phase gas flowing in and out of galaxies and their interaction with the environment. In particular, I will focus on the mechanisms feeding the AGN duty-cycle of powerful radio sources Centaurus A, NGC3100 and Fornax A and on the impact of the nuclear activity on the surrounding medium.
Previous Seminars Sep 2019 - Jun 2023
Thur Sept 22nd Mike Reed (Missouri SU, USA) Asteroseismology of Hot Horizontal Branch Stars
Thur Sept 29th Tim Cunningham (Warwick) White dwarfs as probes of convective overshoot and evolved exoplanetary systems
Thur Oct 6th Grace Telford (Rutgers, USA) New Observational Insights into the Astrophysics of Extremely Metal-Poor O Stars
Thur Oct 13th Holly Preece (MPIA, Germany) Hot subdwarf B stars
Thur Oct 20st Mark Magee (Portsmouth) Type Ia supernovae: The curious case of early light curves & bumps
Thur Oct 27th Dmitrii Kolotkov (Warwick) What makes coronal waves wavy?
Thur Nov 3rd Ingrid Pelisoli (Warwick) Stars don’t self-isolate: some remarkable outcomes of binary evolution
Thur Nov 24th Olivia Jones (ATC, ROE) JWST observations of star formation, evolved stars and stellar populations
Thur Dec 1st Joe Callingham (Leiden, Netherlands) Radio stars and exoplanets
Thur Dec 8th Rebecca Smethurst (Oxford) The growth of supermassive black holes in the absence of mergers and the effect on their host galaxies
Thur Jan 19th Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay (Warwick) Cosmo-chronology in our neighbourhood of stars and planets
Thur Jan 26th Eamon Scullion (Northumbria) Coronal magnetism and the SULIS mission
Thur Feb 2nd Tolis Christou (AOP) Orbital Motion
Thur Feb 9th Michael Burton (AOP) Ultra-hot Hydrogen Molecules in Interstellar Space
Thur Feb 16th Alyssa Drake (Herts)
Thur Feb 23rd Simon Jeffery (AOP) SALT observations of hot subdwarfs
Thur Mar 2nd Jan van Roestel (Amsterdam)
Thur Mar 23rd Jonathon Mackey (DIAS) Inverse Compton cooling of thermal plasma in colliding-wind binaries
Thur April 20th Maria Madjarska-Theissen (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Max-Planck Institute Göttingen) Eruptive phenomena from small-scale active regions in the solar atmosphere
Mon April 24th Falk Herwig (University of Victoria, Canada) 3D Hydrodynamic simulations of massive main-sequence stars and of accreting white dwarfs
Thur May 11th Tom Jarrett (South Africa Research Chair in Astrophysics and Space Science and Director of the IDIA Visualisation Lab) Data Visualisation with COBRA
Thur May 25th Marco Delbo (Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur) Discovering the original planetesimals of our Solar System
Thur June 1st Chris Watson (QUB) Towards earth-analogue planets
Thur June 8th Yuna G. Kwon (Institut für Geophysik und Extraterrestrische Physik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany) On the Dust of Primitive Small Bodies in the Solar System
Thur, 30th Sept 2021: Dr. Laura Scott (AOP) – Convective boundary structure and mixing in stellar interiors
Thur, 7th Oct 2021: Prof. Carole Haswell (Open University) – A quest to find the key systems to explore rocky planet composition outside the Solar System
Thur, 14th Oct 2021: Prof. Sukyoung Yi (Yonsei Korea) – On the origin of thin and thick discs of spiral galaxies
Thur, 21st Oct 2021: Prof. Gary Mamon (IAP Paris) – A deep look inside nearby globular clusters: IMBHs or compact stars and possibly stellar black holes? – Note changed time of 11am
Thur, 28th Oct – Thur, 4th Nov 2021: Mid-term break
Thur, 11th Nov 2021: Dr. Chris Harrison (Newcastle University)
Thur, 18th Nov 2021: Luka Poniatowski (KU Leuven)
Thur, 25th Nov 2021: Prof. Mirjana Povic (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia/ Ethiopian Space Science)
Thur, 2nd Dec 2021: Prof. Aida Wofford (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) – Note changed time of 4pm
Thur, 9th Dec 2021: Prof. Eric Emsellem (ESO)
20th January – Jared Goldberg (UCSB, USA) Convective Properties of 3D Red Supergiant Envelopes and their resulting Supernova Shock Breakout
27th January – Megan Schwamb (QUB) Exploring the Edges of the Solar System: Past, Present, and Future
10th February – Richard Morton (Northumbria University) Exploring the corona with Alfvenic waves
17th February – Sasha Tchekhovskoy (Northwestern, USA) What can black hole jets do for you?
24th February – Shenghua Yu (National Astronomical Observatory of China, Beijing) The mHz-Hz gravitational waves induced by double compact objects
3rd March – James Blake (University of Warwick) The Sticky Issue of Space Debris
10th March – Valerie van Grootel (University of Liege, Belgium) A search for planets around hot subdwarfs
24th March – David Eden (AOP) What causes stars to form?
31st March – Leonard Burtscher (Leiden University, The Netherlands) Astronomy and the climate crisis
7th April — Alison Laird (York) Massive stars and chemical evolution: the impact of nuclear reactions
5th May — Gregg Wade (Royal Military College in Kingston, Canada) Stellar magnetism across evolutionary timescales
19th May — Lauren Doyle (Warwick) Exoplanets and low mass stars
26th May — Alessandro Loni (INAF, Cagliari, Italy) The making of a lenticular galaxy in the Fornax cluster: NGC 1436
16th June — Avi Loeb (Harvard, USA) The Galileo Project: In Search for Technological Interstellar Objects
23rd June — Conor Byrne (Warwick) Binary Stellar Populations: From Variable Stars in the Milky Way to Young Stars in the Distant Universe
Thu, 08 Oct 2020: Chiaki Kobayashi (University of Hertfordshire)
Thu, 22 Oct 2020: Claudia Lagos (ICRAR, Perth)
Thu, 29 Oct 2020: V. Mauricio Gomez Gonzalez (UNAM, Morelia)
Thu, 12 Nov 2020: Gloria Koenigsberger (UNAM, ICF)
Thu, 19 Nov 2020: Martin Bureau (Oxford University)
Thu, 26 Nov 2020: Anne-Marie Weijmans (University of St Andrews)
Thu, 03 Dec 2020: Evgenia Koumpia (University of Leeds)
Thu, 10 Dec 2020: Sadegh Khochfar (University of Edinburgh)
Wed, 18 Sep 2019: Holly Preece (The Effect of Tidal Interactions on Hot Subdwarf B Stars and Their Pulsations.)
Thu, 10 Oct 2019: Christopher Duffy (The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Mg II Emission Profiles in the Solar Atmosphere)
Thu, 17 Oct 2019: Jorick Vink (The heaviest stars and black holes in the Universe)
Thu, 24 Oct 2019: Apostolos Christou (The Martian Trojans: a natural experiment in asteroid evolution.)
Thu, 3O Oct 2019: Gavin Ramsay (Measuring the brightness of stars from space: flares, outbursts, exoplanets and the inside of stars.)
Thu, 31 Oct 2019: Borislav Nedelchev (Using the MANGA IFU survey to trace the importance of accretion events in the triggering of optical AGN activity and the formation of kinematically distinct components.)
Thu, 07 Nov 2019: Andreas Sander (Next-generation stellar atmosphere models: From understanding spectra to creating a virtual laboratory)
Thu, 14 Nov 2019: Sebastien Viaene (How to measure dust in galaxies? A panchromatic perspective.)
Thu, 12 Dec 2019: Tomer Shenar (Do we understand the progenitors of black holes and neutron stars?)
Thu, 06 Feb 2020: Conor Byrne (Atomic Diffusion and Pulsation in Post-Common-Envelope Binary Stars)
Wed, 12 Feb 2020: Eamon Scullion (SULIS: Solar cUbesats for Linked Imaging Spectropolarmetry)
Mon, 17 Feb 2020: Martin Hendry (The Dawn of Gravitational-Wave Cosmology)
Thu, 27 Feb 2020: Ioana Boian (Connecting massive stars to interacting supernovae)
Fri, 28 Feb 2020: Jonathan Mackey (Magnetised Stellar-Wind Bubbles)
Thu, 05 Mar 2020: Joachim Bestenlehner (The most massive stars in the Local Group: the cluster R136)
Thu, 12 Mar 2020: Helge Todt (Spectral analysis of born-again central stars of Planetary Nebulae)
Thu, 26 Mar 2020: Simon Jeffery (DY Cen — from red giant to [WC] star in 100 years — with strontium)
Thu, 02 Apr 2020: Michael Burton (A method for mapping the distribution of aliphatic carbon in interstellar dust)
Thu, 09 Apr 2020: Apostolos Christou (The origin of Neptune’s peculiar moons)
Thu, 16 Apr 2020: Marc Sarzi (On the Initial Stellar Mass Function in early-type galaxies)
Thu, 23 Apr 2020: Stefano Bagnulo (A high-precision survey of magnetic fields in white dwarfs within 20 parsec from the Sun)
Thu, 30 Apr 2020: Rok Nežič (Polarimetric study of 8 Kreutz comets observed by STEREO)
Thu 07 May 2020: Michael Burton (An introduction to the Cherenkov Telescope Array)
Thu, 14 May 2020: Lauren Doyle (Solar and Stellar Flares and Their Connection)
Thu, 21 May 2020: Erin Higgins (The evolution of massive stars in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds)
Thu, 28 May 2020: QUB/AOP PhD students meeting
Thu, 04 June 2020: Noel Richardson (ERAU Prescott, USA) (Constraints on the post-main sequence evolution of massive stars with high precision orbits of evolved systems)
Thu, 11 June 2020: Tony Moffat (UdeM, Canada) (Small Satellites, Big Stars: Results from the BRITE nano-satellites on massive stars)
Thu, 18 June 2020: Rico Ignace (ETSU, USA) (Diagnostics of the Organized Winds of Massive Stars)
Thu, 02 July 2020: Heloise F. Stevance (Univ. of Auckland, NZ)
Thu, 09 July 2020: George Seabroke (UCL)
Thu, 16 July 2020: Ralphael Hirschi (Keele University)
Thu, 23 July 2020: Maritza Arlene Lara-Lopez
Thu, 30 July 2020: Victoria Grinberg (Universität Tübingen)