Support our PhD Programme

Our PhD students are a diverse, international and lively bunch that through their work and enthusiasm champion science and inspire the next generation of stargazers.

PhD students are essential to your visit! They are key in running exciting Planetarium events about the latest astronomical discoveries and in designing new workshops for schools. PhD students are essential to our international research! They bring new ideas and skills to study solar storms, asteroid hazards, the most exotic and massive stars and supermassive black holes, to name just a few.

We are one of the oldest scientific research institute in the world. Today we provide a uniquely inspiring combination of research and education that puts Armagh on the international stage while bringing together our community.


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"I study the most massive stars in our Universe which become black holes! I came to AOP because of the unique experience I would gain participating in education and outreach events." - Erin Higgins

"I study the phenomena which influence the atmosphere of the Sun, relevant for us on Earth. I came to AOP because it was my dream to study in an internationally recognised institute." - Nived Vilangot Nhalil

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