About the Data Archive

We have meteorological records stretching back to December 1794, with continuous records starting in July 1975. There is a lack of data between June 1825 to December 1832, known as ‘the Armagh gap’: a record book appears to be missing, and several generations of Directors, Librarians, and Weather Observers have so far failed to find it.

While unlikely, it is possible the gap in the records is real (i.e., that no one actually took the readings in that time). This uncertainty is the reason the title of ‘the longest continuous meteorological record in the British Isles’ is sometimes attributed to the Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford: their continuous records start in 1815 (with intermittent observations since 1772).

The figure below illustrates the length of the Armagh climate series for various meteorological parameters. The following sections discuss the data which has been digitised, the scans of record books, and the abbreviations and codes used.

  • About the Digitised Data
  • Scans of Record Books
  • Abbreviations and Codes Used in the Observer's Diary
  • Beaufort's Weather Codes
  • Disclaimer

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